“New World…across the frightening waves of blue…”

1. “But Jesus, my family and I love the Hendersonville community.”
2. “Our boys just started a new school and are completely in love with it!”
3. “The housing market couldn’t be in a worse condition to sell.”
4. “I’m genuinely excited about the direction of our pastor and where our church (FBCH) is headed.”
5. “When it comes to the local church, all I’ve ever known is youth ministry.”
6. “Lord, surely you wouldn’t want us to move our kids farther away from grandparents and other family?”
The sadly ironic part of this “reasoning with God,” is that for over a decade now, I’ve been teaching/telling students to obey God…no matter the cost. Students in Nashville, New Orleans and Hendersonville have heard me for years say things like, “Since Christ died for us, we can at least surrender our lives to Him” and “Are we giving God the freedom to place us in any city or any context of His choosing for His Glory and His Gospel?”
Tenderly, but clearly, it was as if God was saying, “Crawford (apparently the Creator refers to me by last name), you are really good at pointing others to truth, but are YOU willing to live it out yourself when the task becomes uncomfortable?” Submission. That was the word that came to mind. Was I going to submit myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit…or was I going to justify why a vocational/geographical move was unwise?
We have chosen to obey. Not because we have all things figured out, but because we know the One who does. As our family and I say goodbye to a community and church family that we have loved for nearly six years, we press on to what Christ has called us to next. With mixed emotions of sadness…and excitement, we look to this remarkable opportunity to shepherd college students and young adults at Wallace Memorial Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN.
We know there are saints all across the globe making MUCH bigger sacrifices than simply moving 180 miles down I-40. We know there are over 70 million followers of Christ currently imprisoned for merely proclaiming the Gospel. We know that in the time it took for me to write this blog, 9 people will be killed for religious reasons. We know that disciples in southeast Asia are risking their jobs, families and lives for the sake of His glory. Hopping from Sumner County to Knox County is a simple “adjustment” compared to these great sacrifices mentioned.
Yet as we grieve (because grieving is inevitable), we make this adjustment because we know God is calling us to make His name great through Wallace Memorial. And it doesn’t stop there…or even with the greater Knoxville area. It doesn’t stop until we join the throngs throughout the world who are risking all to make the Gospel known. We join them through our praying, giving…and going.
So my family and I, with tears in our eyes and hope in our hearts…press on and embrace this “New World.” To join Him in His work at Wallace Memorial. To make disciples in Knoxville. To make His glory known to every people group without access to the precious Gospel of Christ.